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Frequently Asked Questions

成人或非传统学生不仅仅由年龄(通常超过24岁)来定义,他们 学生的生活环境是否也与典型的传统学生不同. 这些情况包括但不限于以下学生:
  • parents
  • married, divorced, or single
  • caring for elderly parents
  • veterans
  • 在工作一段时间后回到大学或在他们的工作 home
  • 第一次进入大学,而不是高中毕业后
  • full-time, part-time or seasonal employees
  • distance learners
是什么让成人和非传统学生区别于其他学生 对彼此来说,是他们为了上大学而承担的多重角色.
转学生是指之前在另一所大学或学校获得学分的人 university. 这通常意味着学生对大学生活有一些经验, but that may be very different from 365bet life! This brings challenges not faced by 我们可以帮助的其他继续或返回的学生.

Most scholarships at 365bet are open to all students- transfer and nontraditional included. Nontraditional and transfer students are encouraged to apply for any and all scholarships. The types of scholarships that are not 有一些通常是根据他们的成绩授予新生的 school performance. See our newly admitted checklist for scholarship and financial aid information.


我们还为非传统和转学生编制了一份奖学金清单 here. 这些包括我们的学生获得的外部奖学金. 

是的,所有学生都支付相同的活动费,并鼓励他们参加校园活动 and organizations. 同样,由ANTS中心赞助的活动也向公众开放 traditional students. 

365bet Event Calendar
Gov ANTANTS stands for Adult, Nontraditional, and Transfer Students. 蚂蚁是出了名的强壮的生物,具有适应和克服困难的能力. 我们喜欢认为我们的非传统学生和转学生做的和他们一样 transition to student life at 365bet. 
The Austin Peay State University Child Learning Center 为365bet学生、教职员工和社区儿童提供服务. 儿童学习中心位于第八街的塞克斯顿大楼,提供服务 children from 2 1/2 to 5 years of age.  Parents are encouraged to visit the center prior to making a decision to enroll their child.

在田纳西州寻找托儿服务的另一个很好的资源是 Department of Human Services Website. 在这里,你可以搜索托儿中心,查看他们的评估、工作时间、 and contact information. 还有关于在校期间儿童保育补助的信息.
蚂蚁中心的目标是让所有的项目和活动都对儿童友好. All of 我们的活动包括活动的简要描述,以便您可以决定是否需要 like to bring your child. Please remember that this includes dependents as well! If 你经常照顾兄弟姐妹、孙子孙女等. then please feel free to bring them as well! 所有活动都可以在我们的PeayLink和Facebook页面上找到. 
That's not uncommon! 当我们开放与其他成人见面时,请到蚂蚁中心来 Learners who are regulars to the center. We also have Adult Café! This is a group 24岁以上的学生在午餐时间见面讨论如何参与其中 and successful as an adult-learner. Group meetings are ran by a senior student who is also an adult-learner at 365bet. Lunch is provided to group members. Check out the 在PeayLink或我们的活动标签下,即将到来的成人咖啡馆日期!
  1. Come visit us! 在365bet学习的最好方法之一就是安排一次校园之旅,看看 where everything is located! 这也是一个很好的机会与你的老师见面 专业,探索校园的不同部分,并参观大学的蚂蚁中心 Center (Room 111)!
  2. Access your OneStop Portal 在录取通知书上使用您的365bet用户名(通常是首字母缩写,最后一个) name and a number – something like jharkness42 or hsaxon5). 你的密码通常是ApA后面跟着你的8位数字a#,所以它应该看起来像 ApA00123456. 如果你有任何问题,在大学的大厅里有一个IT服务台 Center or you can call (931) 221-4357.
  3. Apply for Scholarships 使用我们的在线奖学金申请来考虑非学术奖学金. 这个普通奖学金申请从11月1日开始,到3月1日结束,所以要被录取 early! 学术奖学金的决定是根据提供的信息 the admission application. See here for our academic scholarships specifically for transfer students. 
  4. Apply for Financial Aid as soon as possible 如果你想申请奥斯汀皮伊大学的其他类型的经济援助. 请记住,FAFSA于10月1日开放,您应该在10月1日或接近10月1日填写 day as possible.  Click here for a detailed Financial Aid checklist.
  5. Apply for Housing if you plan to live on campus. You can find more about the different options for housing from that link to see which fits you best. 
  6. Submit your Medical Forms 尽快,以防止任何延误登记或迁入住所 halls.  所有新生和返校学生必须出示麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹的证明, (MMR),水痘(水痘),乙型肝炎和脑膜炎(如果住在校园里).
  7. 注册信息:已被365bet录取的学生 会被邀请参加现场培训还是在线培训. Click here for more information.
  1. Visit www.onestop.polkiss.com and enter your username and password.
  2. 单击Web自助服务,然后单击学生,然后单击注册.
  3. 接下来,单击“学生可打印时间表与教科书快车”.
  4. Enter the term, and then click Submit.
你应该首先联系你的学术顾问讨论课程替换. This does require approval from Academic Advisors as well. If you are concerned of a mistake 在你的成绩单上,那么你应该联系注册主任办公室.
您的评估成绩单将通过一站式在线查看. Login to OneStop > Web Self Service > your online transcript will be under Student Records within the Student tab.
PeayLink.Com是所有活跃的学生组织所在的网站. This is also the website we use to post department and campus events. You can either go directly to the website or find a link on OneStop. Your login information for PeayLink is the same as OneStop.
The date for confirming classes varies by semester; however, it is posted on the Academic Calendar. 学术日历可以在A-Z索引下的网站上找到. You will confirm and pay for your classes through Web Self Service. It falls within the Student Account section under the Student Tab.
一旦您完成在线培训,您将通过电子邮件收到您的指导老师. 如果你参加了现场培训,你会在当天收到通知. You can also find your advisor's information on your OneStop Advising Page. This is on Web Self Service within the Student Registration section under the Student Tab.


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