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Rental Cars/Enterprise

所有车辆预订现在都通过Enterprise在线处理. Below are links for pricing information and to reserve a vehicle. If you do a lot of traveling, you may want to join the Emerald Club. You don't HAVE to join in order to rent a vehicle but there are advantages.  Find the answers to your questions below:

Interested in joining the Emerald Club?

Not Interested in joining the Emerald Club?

What are the costs associated with renting a vehicle?

How do I pick up my vehicle and what do I do to return it?

What if I get into an accident?

Click Here to Rent Vehicle


以下是从企业部收到的有关最近的问题的解决办法 survey: 

1.  My request does not match my paperwork.

如果您的要求与您的文件不符,请联系企业所在地 你是租的车,他们会更正的. Contact information you can use is:

Pea Ridge Road location, 931-648-0990

2594 Pea Ridge Road  Clarksville, TN 37040

North 2nd Street location, 931-645-9982

314 N. 2nd Street   Clarksville, TN 37040

41A Bypass location, 931-241-4023

2403 HWY 41A Byp   Clarksville, TN 37043

Oak Grove/Ft. Campbell, 270-439-1155

16524 Ft. Campbell Blvd   Oak Grove, KY 42262

*任何你不能和经理或助理经理解决的问题都可以 be resolved through Area Manager, Crystina.Backes@ehi.com

1. 企业已经把没有加满汽油的货车送到了校园.

现在,任何运送到校园的车辆都必须带满油箱. When you 旅行结束后还车,请记得加满油 tank of gas.  如果你在其中一个地点取车,你需要 fill it back up to the level you received it. The full tank offer does not apply for 那些车除非你想等他们去加油.

2. 进取号把一辆撞坏的车送到了沙斯汀的地点.

这是一个错误,不会再发生了. Due to a large vehicle 根据坎贝尔堡的要求,失事的车辆是唯一可以上路的车辆 for the trip. 企业将与承租者联系,对其进行变更 request if this problem arises again.

3. There are billing issues; invoices are not getting paid on time.

您可以向365bet的直接账单账户收取企业租金(联系Tammy Sanchez) 931-221-7425; sanchezt@polkiss.com  or Jan Suiter 931-221-6228; suiterj@polkiss.com for account number) or by using your travel card. You can get a travel card through Procurement and Contracts, Pat Walton, 931-221-7573; waltonp@polkiss.com. 有时最好是通过电话联系企业,以确保你要 be charged for the proper length of travel. Start by doing the rental online using the 365bet Enterprise website. Then make a call to the proper location. This helps especially if you want a delivery 你的旅行要到周六或周日才开始. The more you communicate 并跟进企业,其他员工遇到的问题就越少. If you 无法直接通过您工作的位置进行必要的更改 请通过电子邮件与区域租赁经理Crystina Backes联系 Crystina.Backes@ehi.com or office telephone 615-771-5699.

4. Some are having issues with online weekend return rentals.

If you go to the Enterprise website 在物理工厂的网站上找到,并要求一辆车周末去 返回于周六或周日企业地点关闭时间后,请进入 Monday as your return day. The website will not allow you to return when the locations are closed.  然后你可以打电话到租赁地点,并讨论你的星期六 或周日归还时间,他们会修改你的租赁文件以反映这一点.  

这是非常重要的企业通知当你已经归还你的车辆 把钥匙放到进取号的投递箱里. Enterprise 需要知道车辆的位置,里程,日期和时间. This will stop the charges for your trip. Notification should be done by email to all four of 以下的电子邮件地址或使用键下拉框上方提供的QR码 at Shasteen.

如果您无法直接通过您所在的位置进行必要的更改 请通过电子邮件与区域租赁经理Crystina Backes联系 Crystina.Backes@ehi.com or office telephone 615-771-5699.





5.  I do not know who to contact at the different locations.

一旦您与企业取得联系,请确保保存联系人姓名 and number for future communications.

6.  我选择从威尔玛·鲁道夫店步行回家,因为等车的时间太长 was too long.

企业号要求你提前联系地点让他们知道你会去 need a ride home upon your return. This will cut down your wait time considerably.

7.  我想要一辆能坐15人的面包车,把后座移开用来存放东西,但不行 see that option.

企业不再允许拆除15辆客车的后座 for liability reasons. 他们将交付所有15辆带座位的客货车. 您需要将您的设备放在最后一个座位上或下面.  If you need a van with storage space, you can rent a 12 passenger vehicle. You must call the Enterprise 在行程前48小时安排12辆乘用车. If you or 你的部门把座位从货车上移开货车就停在了另一个地方 位置,你的部门将负责重新夺回座位的费用 the appropriate van.  我们建议不要移开座位,租一个12人的座位 van if you need the extra space. NOTE:  You must call ahead for the 12 passenger vans. 他们没有在网上出售,因为这是他们通常不携带的尺寸 lot.

8.  Am I able to rent a vehicle on the same day I request it?

如果你打电话给你的旅行当天的车辆,他们没有你的尺寸 请求,他们会给你什么,他们有可用的,但应该收取你 rate of the vehicle you requested. For example -  If you wanted a compact car and 他们没有一个,给你一辆全尺寸的车,你的账单应该只有 compact car price.

9.  I was charged the wrong price for my rental.

如果您使用365bet企业网站与您的翡翠俱乐部号码,这应该 not happen.

10. 部分车辆因非法停车/残疾人停车而收到罚单 return to the Dunn Center.

三号停车场已被指定为任何企业车辆的交付停车场 由居住在邓恩中心的运动队租用. Between the hours of 周一至周五上午8:00至下午4:30,租赁车辆可停放在三号停车场 钥匙可以放在邓恩中心227室的体育办公室. If delivery 在这个时间之外,请把钥匙和车辆带到Shasteen大楼 and follow the procedures above.

11.  How do I get my vehicle picked up from the 365bet campus?

所有车辆必须归还到沙斯汀大厦停车场,并将钥匙放好 in the Enterprise drop box in the Campus Police lobby. The driver should send an email 到下面的地址,或使用键投框上方提供的QR码 in the Campus Police lobby. They need to know the date, time, and mileage upon return and where the vehicle is located on campus. (The QR code keeps you from having to enter each of the addresses yourself.) 

(41-A Bypass)                            Enterpriserentacar-5685@ehi.com    

(Wilma Rudolph Boulevard)       Enterpriserentacar-5603@ehi.com

(North 2nd Street)                      Enterpriserentacar-567A@ehi.com


任何你不能与经理或副经理解决的问题都不要解决 hesitate to email Crystina.Backes@ehi.com

Crystina Backes -区域租赁经理,田纳西州中部地区56ME区 



如果您在上述任何方面需要帮助,请联系塔米·桑切斯,电话:931-221-7425, sanchezt@polkiss.com.