

If you have any questions please review the 旅游常见问题解答 or contact Geraldine Garner at 931-221-7373 or garnerg@polkiss.com.

本概述旨在为任何指定的365bet员工或小组提供指南 去旅行. Please be aware that 政策 and reimbursement rates are subject to change and will be updated in the Policies and Procedures Manual. 有人需要进一步了解吗? 信息 should read the official 旅行规定4:15.


Who Is Authorized to 旅行?

可批准的旅行,以及可报销费用的旅行,应 be limited to the following:

  1. 正确执行官方365bet教育,研究, or other institutional objectives;

  2. 出差往返于专业性质的会议,这将会增加 the attending employee’s usefulness to the University;

  3. 未来雇员的差旅费可根据《365bet》的规定报销 旅游政策. Persons who incur travel 费用 as a faculty recruit should 根据此政策和参考中授权的金额申请报销 政策.

差旅费只允许报销实际发生的费用。 以旅费偿还比率表所示的最高限额为准. 报销单据上所列的所有费用必须附有收据正本 the 旅行 Reimbursement Rate Schedule. 的 exceptions to this rule are for meals, taxi fares, tolls and ferry fees with no receipt required. 住宿 receipts are required and must itemize room charges and taxes.


只有当你的目的地在田纳西州,口头许可是足够的 advance payment is not requested and travel is not funded by a grant. 一个授权 如果要求预支旅行的任何部分,则需要提供旅行(TA) (无论在州内或州外),旅行将由补助金资助,或旅行 destination is out of state.  的 TA must be on file in the Business Office two weeks prior to planned departure. 


批准 for your travel and travel reimbursement must be obtained as follows:


通常情况下,差旅费应由雇员支付,并可报销 在正确提交旅行索赔后,向员工支付实际费用 费用. Advances to employees for anticipated travel may be under the circumstances 下面列出:

  1. Permanent 旅行 Advance - 参见旅行政策 for detailed explanation.
  2. Temporary 旅行 Advance -当临时旅行被批准时,员工可以收到预付款 向有关部门提出预支要求,包括预估费用 approving authority and is approved. An amount equal to 80 percent of the estimated expenditures will be allowed as an advance. However, no advance less than $100 will 被制成. 学生 traveling under individual authorizations or an employee traveling 由一名或多名学生负责支付旅行的所有费用 may be advanced 100 percent of the amount of the authorization.


公司卡是发给指定员工的,由员工亲自发放 向发卡公司负责向公司收取的所有费用 卡. Applications for these 卡s are available in Human 资源.


所有的旅行必须通过最直接或最快的路线,任何员工 who travels by an indirect route must bear any extra expense occasioned thereby.


州内和州外的住宿费用,而授权的旅行将 be reimbursable to the maximum shown on the 旅行 Reimbursement Rate Schedule. 销售 taxes on lodging costs will be reimbursable. Higher rates for lodging at the location 不经特别批准,允许在大会或会议上发言 amount indicated in the convention or conference brochure.  的 convention or conference 说明住宿费用必须包括在旅行索赔内的小册子.


在授权旅行期间的伙食将根据伙食津贴予以报销 provided on the 旅行 Reimbursement Rate Schedule. 的 maximum per diem rates include a fixed allowance for meals and incidental 费用 (M&I). M&比率,或者分数 其费用由旅行者支付,无须列明费用或收据. 杂费 是否打算包括与旅行有关的杂项费用,如小费 baggage handling, phone calls home, 等.



申请的标准表格 差旅费报销 shall be used for reimbursement of 费用. 的 form must show detail of 费用 每天打印或用墨水填写,由员工签名并批准 by the appropriate approving authority prior to reimbursement. 旅行签名 索赔必须是原件. Original receipts for appropriate 费用 must be attached 到表单. 索赔 for travel expense reimbursement should be submitted no later than 30 days after completion of the trip. 索赔 submitted after this period must include written explanation for the delay.

旅行 Reimbursement Rate Schedule

州内旅行和州外旅行的最高报销率是相同的 就像美国总务管理局为联邦雇员制定的那样 within the continental United States (CONUS).

住宿, 餐费和杂费:

CONUS清单包含住宿、膳食和杂费的标准报销率 and several pages of exceptions. Most destinations for out-of-state travel fall within 例外列表. 的 CONUS list is available on the General Services Administration 网站: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287

General Reimbursement Rates:

标准里程费率            IRS Business Standard mileage rate
礼貌的车辆                      $0.325 /英里
Maximum Parking Fee without Receipt            $8.00 /天
Fees for handling equip/prm material                  $20.00 /酒店 



International 旅行 - Expense Calculator
旅行 Expenses Calculator 帮助您报销您的费用,使用历史汇率的影响 the date of your receipts, and integrates hidden foreign exchange charges.


Travel Forms 

Authorization of 旅行 (PDF)

差旅费报销 (Excel)